Proverbios 31 10 Wallpaper
F 12 she brings him good not harm all the days of her life.
Proverbios 31 10.
Dura bible for women after god s own heart rvr 1960 hardcover.
13 she selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.
She is worth far more than rubies.
Proverbios 31 10 in all spanish translations.
Proverbios 30 eclesiastés 1.
O seu valor muito excede ao de rubis.
The wife of noble character.
11 her husband e has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.
Proverbios 31 10 31 reina valera 1960 rvr1960 elogio de la mujer virtuosa.
Mulher virtuosa quem a achará.
G 14 she is like the merchant ships.
Elogio de la mujer virtuosa.
Mujer ejemplar dónde se hallará es más valiosa que las piedras preciosas.